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The Goh!ddess Blog

Explore all the articles & guides we've written for you about the orgasm-inducing practice of Pompoir.

How Many Pompoir Exercises Are There? Part 2 Jan 19, 2024


In the first part of this discussion, I explained why there are several pompoir exercises...

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How Many Pompoir Exercises Are There? Part 1 science Jan 12, 2024

The word “pompoir” carries a lot of
similar, but fundamentally different...

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How to Do Pompoir Exercises: Designing an Optimal Vaginal Workout Jan 26, 2023

Related: our main
Pompoir guide, explaining what this practice is, where it comes from, and how...

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Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery: All You Need to Know Before You Commit Jan 19, 2023

Let’s get one thing straight: I’m the last person to tell anyone what they should do...

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Exercises to Tighten the Vagina exercise guide Aug 21, 2022

The fact that you’re here tells me we’d be great friends. 

Why? Because...

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How to Tighten Your Vagina: The Science-Backed Guide exercise guide science May 19, 2022

I’d like to start this article off by addressing the two goals I’ve set for it.


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