About Bel
Bel Di Lorenzo is an entrepreneur, women’s sexual health advocate, and the author of the bestselling book, The Gohddess Method. Her unique, science-based approach is designed to help women master “vaginal gymnastics”: the practice of exercising pelvic floor muscles to develop skills that enhance female pleasure, boost libido, and amplify orgasms.
Bel earned her degree in Business from the University of Business and Social Sciences in Buenos Aires and consulted with doctors from the American College of Surgeons and Spain’s European University Miguel Cervantes to help create her proprietary Gohddess Method, where she teaches women vaginal training exercises. She is currently working on her Women’s Health Certification with the PESI Institute.
Having transformed her romantic relationship through her new skills in pompoir (i.e., “vaginal gymnastics”), Bel started sharing her approach with other women, and demand showed that this vaginal “fitness program”-style training is sorely needed in most women’s lives.
Passionate about pioneering advancements in female health research and narrowing the “orgasm gap” between genders, Bel helped thousands of women transform their sex lives and address issues related to preventing incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.