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The Goh!ddess Blog

Explore all the articles & guides we've written for you about the orgasm-inducing practice of Pompoir.

What is Girth Training in Pompoir? guide science Jul 20, 2024


This post covers a topic related to vaginal gymnastics or Pompoir, the practice of...

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Your Guide on Kegel Sex & The "Kegel Trick" Jun 07, 2024

Are kegels effective? How can you use them to make sex feel incredible? Is this the key to having...

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Kegel Exercises for Women (Step by Step with Images + PDF) exercise guide Apr 15, 2024

You’ve heard of kegels. These magical pelvic floor moves meant to prevent urinary...

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The 4 Levels of Pompoir Mastery (from Advanced Kegels to Elite) exercise Mar 23, 2024


I recently released The Gohddess Method book, a complete bible on the art of Pompoir, or...

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How Pompoir Makes Penetration Enjoyable orgasms science Mar 07, 2024

Last week, a user on the r/pompoir subreddit shared that ever since reading
The Gohddess Method...

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The Gohddess Method Book vs. The Ohlympus Program: Which One Should I Get? Feb 09, 2024


It was a hot and humid morning in Buenos Aires when I received the email from Amazon: ...

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