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The Gohddess Method Book vs. The Ohlympus Program: Which One Should I Get?

Feb 09, 2024


It was a hot and humid morning in Buenos Aires when I received the email from Amazon: Congratulations! Your book: The Gohddess Method, is now available for purchase.

By far, the best way to celebrate Valentine’s Day 2024. Because this year, the Argentinian weather is pretty much the only hot and humid thing touching my skin. 

Terrible jokes aside, I could not think of a better way to spend my Valentine’s: surrounded by friends who, months prior, had to put up with me canceling plans last minute to finish editing yet another chapter that week.

I’m extremely proud of this book. 

Not because I consider myself a particularly good writer, especially not in a foreign language – I must admit I make up for my lack of vocabulary with excessive double entendres –, but because I truly think it is, at least up to date, the most comprehensive resource in the art of vaginal gymnastics.

Which brings me to today’s topic: how does the book compare to Gohddess’ flagship product: The Ohlympus Program? Who’s better suited for each resource? And does it even make sense to get the course if all the information can be found in a $20 book?

Let’s break it down.


The Reason for Writing the Book


In 2023, against my better judgment I decided to take the plunge and become a TikTok sensation. No, really.

Our first videos on the @goh.ddess account were getting millions of views, hundreds of comments, and in a matter of months we had 100,000 organic followers.

It was a dream and a nightmare at the same time. My friend, who had a business of her own and who had pushed me to jump on the TikTok train could not believe it. She was getting thousands of views, but not millions

And yet – nobody from Tik Tok was buying the program. Don’t get me wrong; I was thrilled that more people were finding out about pompoir, but besides our blog articles, I really didn’t have anything to point them towards so they could keep learning.

And let’s be honest, there’s very little information I can convey in a 1-minute TikTok. Especially when it comes to training such a sensitive area of the body.

Tik Tok has changed dramatically since then. Whereas before we were getting hundreds of thousands of views within an hour or two, we’re now lucky if we can get a thousand views over a few days.

But I digress. The account did help us grow our email list, and it’s still a good way for me to improve how I convey information (which, as you can probably tell by now, is hard for me to do in a concise manner!).

What TikTok also showed me was that most people are not going to go from learning about the magic practice of pompoir to spending $400 on a course.

And why would they? They don’t know me, they just found out about this pompoir thing, and for all they know, I could be making up all of these benefits I’m so energetically preaching about. 

That’s when I first thought of the book. An affordable resource that allowed people to discover this practice and start their training. 

I’d be able to reach a lot more women, and I would also be able to cover some theoretical concepts that didn’t make sense to include in our step-by-step program.

There was just one problem – the “me” of it all.

Back then, I wasn’t really showing my face on TikTok, and I still referred to myself as “Hera” when customers wrote to me. 

Total cringe, right?

Here’s the thing: I’m a weird specimen in the world of sex. I’m not really into the spiritual side of it all, and I’ve been sexually active for about half a decade. 

Not exactly the quintessential femme fatale. 

No. I’m a dork who happened to come across a wonderful secret of the female body, and through an obsessive personality and hyperactivity disorder developed it into a practical follow-along program. 

It happened to be something women from all over the world wanted. And my nerdy approach coupled with illustrations that would give photosensitive people a seizure happened to be something they resonated with.

(And who knows? Maybe if I was a plant-mom, soy-latte numerology enthusiast, the business would be making a lot more money by now).

Suffice to say, I wasn’t sure I was the right fit to lead a sexual wellness brand.

Despite my reservations, I began writing the book the only way I knew how. Worst case scenario, I could use a pseudonym.

“I can even give it to an editor who can cut out the sciency parts and the dad jokes and make it sexy and edgy” I thought.

But a month before submitting the manuscript to Amazon, everything changed. 

Since I was still apprehensive about putting so much of my own story out there, I sent out an email to all the students of The Ohlympus Program asking them if they wanted to share their own experiences to be featured in the book.

The response was overwhelming.

Belgium, Israel, Canada, Zanzibar, New Zealand. All over the world, women from all ages and cultural backgrounds wrote back.

For every message telling me that they appreciated how secular The Ohlympus Program was, there was another message telling me the practice was the most spiritual thing they’d ever done.

For every woman who had used pompoir to have a more active role in the bedroom and re-discover their confidence, there was another woman who felt the practice had reconnected them with a more submissive sexual side, which they loved.

The only thing every email had in common was that pompoir, and The Ohlympus Program in particular, had made their sex lives infinitely better. 

“I didn’t know penetration could be this pleasurable.”

“I can now orgasm multiple times in a row!”

“I can feel EVERYTHING more intensely.”

“My husband can’t get his hands off of me!”

To this day, I don’t think I’ve experienced more joy than when reading these responses. 

Maybe that time I had Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup for the first time. But that’s it.

From that day on, I was convinced of one thing: this whole thing is bigger than me.

I don’t care how much I feel like I’m not the right person for the job. My purpose is to connect every woman to this amazing practice that I happened to stumble upon. 

The book is my attempt to do this. 

To share this secret superpower with every woman who feels like sex will never be enjoyable. Every woman who wishes to go back to the golden days of passion she once experienced with her partner. Every woman who’s considering spending thousands of dollars on testosterone therapy or “vaginal rejuvenation” surgery.

I’m not saying this is the approach for everyone. It might not be. 

But at the very least, for $10, most women will be able to try it out first. 


You Should Get The Gohddess Book If


The Gohddess Method is meant to be a Pompoir bible.

It explains the concept in great detail and it breaks down the biomechanics of how it works, and, as far as we know, why it works.

I cite research, I explain fitness concepts, and I go into a bit more anatomy than I do in the course. 

I also break down a few exercises that I believe are the main ones the student should learn for her to then be able to achieve every Pompoir technique, and even develop her own techniques.

The book also opens with a short memoir of how I came across this understanding, as well as some of my coming-of-age misfortunes (which there are plenty, especially when it came to sex). And, more importantly, it features the experiences of women from all over the globe who joined me in this journey of vaginal wizardry.

So, who is the Gohddess Book intended for?

The Gohddess book is intended for everyone wanting to learn everything there is to know about pompoir or vaginal gymnastics. It dives deep into the science of it, and it explains the foundational exercises and training concepts for the student to then be able to progress on her own.

If you’re more of a self-taught kind of individual, the book is for you. It gives you all the tools for you to master this practice and design your own workout program.


You Should Get The Ohlympus Program If


On the other hand, The Ohlympus Program is meant to be the most straightforward way to learn pompoir. It explains all the exercises step by step, gives you an exact schedule to follow each day, and explains how you can use each of the exercises in the bedroom.

Additionally with the program, you get access to our private community where I answer all of your questions, and you get updates for life.

In many different courses, the benefit “updates for life” doesn’t carry much weight to it. That is not the case here.

In January 2024, to accompany the launch of the book, I released an entirely new product called The Pompoir Lifestyle, as a bonus course within The Ohlympus Program.

This bonus course will be updated with new training styles and complementary techniques to incorporate in your sex goddess path. 

For example, with its release, I included 3 lessons on a training style we call Musical Training. 

Guess what that entails. If you’re picturing vaginas animated to match the beats and melodies of popular sex songs à la Guitar Hero style, you are 100% correct.

And yes, several times while I was working on those colorful animations I could not believe my life was so hilarious

I’m also releasing another Bonus course in 2024 within The Ohlympus Program called “Pompoir Advanced”, breaking down six brand new skills for the elite students of pompoir.

Finally, The Ohlympus Program comes with a free version of the book already included. That’s right – you already have a PDF with a copy of The Gohddess Method book as a bonus for joining the program, so that you don’t miss out on my sexual misfortunes and can also geek out on the science behind pompoir training.

So, who is the Ohlympus Program intended for?

If you want to follow a paint-by-numbers approach with all the science, workouts, rest periods, and exercise styles already figured out for you, the program is for you.

It’s 100% practical, with the intention of getting you to start training to become a vaginal goddess from the get go.

And with new updates being released every couple of months, you can rest assured it will always be at the forefront of vaginal wizardry innovation.


Conclusion: The Gohddess Book vs. The Ohlympus Program

Let’s say your goal was to get in the best shape of your life.

The Gohddess Method book would explain to you everything there is to know about how fat loss works, what macronutrients are, and the most effective exercises to ensure you’ve got all the tools you need to get six pack abs. 

You then have to put together your own workouts, you have to make your own meals, and you have to commit to the program you have designed for yourself, based on the information from the book.

The Ohlympus Program, on the other hand, would give you a precise schedule of what to do every single day, the recipes for the exact meals you want to be eating, and will connect you with a bunch of people who are following the same program for support.

It won’t bore you with the theory behind it – that’s already been figured out for you. And if you have any questions, you have direct access to a coach and a community who are there to support you in your journey.

I hope this gave you a clearer idea on which of these resources makes more sense to you personally. 

My personal advice is to purchase the book first, so that worst case scenario, if this practice isn’t for you, you only spent $10-20 on it.

And then, if you absolutely love it (like I have a feeling you will) but want a more straightforward, step-by-step approach and access to a community of fellow goddesses, you can join the program.

The program also spares you from my awesome sense of humor, if that’s something you’re interested in. 

Ready to become the ultimate sex goddess?

Get our step-by-step, fully animated Pompoir course.

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